How to Shape Eyebrows at Home with Tweezers

We all want our eyebrows to look their best, but heading to a salon or spa can sometimes be expensive and time-consuming. Fortunately, plucking your eyebrows with tweezers at home is easier than you might think. With just a few simple steps, you'll be able to pluck your eyebrows and have them look perfect in no time.

We talk about tinting your eyebrows, the best products for at-home beauty, and everything else you need to know about how to shape your eyebrows at home with tweezers.

Preparing to Pluck Your Eyebrows

Before plucking your eyebrows, it's essential to prepare properly. Start by washing the area with a gentle cleanser and warm water. Cleaning the site will help remove any dirt or oils blocking your view of the hair. Then, comb your brows in the direction of their natural growth. If you're plucking stray hairs, use a brush or spoolie to identify them and make plucking easier.

Apart from your eyebrows, it would be best to have clean tools, tweezers and scissors. Here's how you clean your beauty equipment.

How to Clean Your Beauty Tools

Start by wiping down your tweezers and scissors with a clean cloth and rubbing alcohol. This cleaning procedure will help remove any bacteria or dirt transferred from one area to another. Once you're done, rinse them off with warm water and let them air-dry before plucking your eyebrows.

If you're doing your eyebrows at home and it's only you, cleaning with alcohol should be enough. However, if you are plucking professionally, you should clean your tools after every client with Barbicide.

Barbicide is a disinfectant in beauty salons, spas and other professional settings. It kills bacteria and viruses, which helps control the spread of germs and infections.

Work Out Your Eyebrow Shape

It's important to know what eyebrow shape suits your face. Here is a guide to choosing the best eyebrow shape for your face.

It's important to know that brows should begin directly above the middle of your nostrils. The brows should end where the nostril's corner connects with the eye's outer corner. The arch's highest point should connect the centre tip of the nose with the middle of the iris. This technique tailors your eyebrows to fit your face perfectly.

If you follow this guide, you can start plucking...

Plucking Your Eyebrows

Once you've prepared your brows, it's time to pluck. Start by taking one eyebrow at a time. Hold the skin taut with one hand and pluck the hairs away from their natural direction with the other using a pair of slanted tweezers for precision plucking.

Take your time and be gentle as you pluck each hair. Avoid over-plucking - pluck only what needs to be plucked and leave some hairs for definition. Remember, less is more when plucking your eyebrows.

After Plucking Your Brows

Once you're finished plucking, taking care of the area is important. Using a cotton swab and mild toner, gently remove any residue from plucking. Then, apply a nourishing after-plucked serum to calm irritation and reduce redness. Finally, use an eyebrow gel or clear mascara to keep your brows neat and groomed throughout the day.

Helpful Products

Some helpful products can make plucking your eyebrows easier.

  • A magnifying mirror is essential for getting a close-up look at the hairs you need to pluck.
  • Tweezers and eyebrow scissors.
  • An eyebrow pencil or crayon is excellent for filling in sparse areas.
  • Eylure Dybrow tinted eyebrow gels are perfect for adding definition and colour to your plucked eyebrows.

Here are some products from our professional tweezer collection that we recommend and why we love them.

  • Eyelash Emporium On-point Individual Straight Tweezers
  • Eyelash Emporium Camera Angle Individual Curved Tweezers
  • Eyelash Emporium Set Piece Straight and Curved Tweezer Set

We also love Marvelash X-Type and all the Eyelash Emporium Tweezers because they have sharp and accurate tips, pliable handles and precision plucking abilities.

Apart from the professional tools, we have a collection of beauty equipment, including tweezers you can use at home.

  • Lola's Lashes Rose Gold Precision Lash and Brow Scissors
  • Lilly Lashes - Matte Black Eyelash Scissors
  • Elegant Touch Professional Slanted Tweezer
  • SOSU Lash and Brow Tweezers
  • Eye Candy London - The Tweezer Collection

All these tools are helpful and offer a great selection of tweezers and scissors to help make eyebrow shaping easier.

We love Lola's Lashes - Rose Gold Compact Mirror and Eyelash Emporium Close-Up Lash Mirror because they are portable and help you pluck with precision.

How to Tint Your Eyebrows

Once you've conquered plucking, it's worth moving on to tinting - here's how you tint without getting tint all over your face.

Firstly, make sure you do a patch test to check that you're not allergic to eyebrow tint. Following the instruction leaflet carefully when using products, including Dybrow tint, is essential.

Start by cleansing the area you will be working with and then combing your eyebrows so that all the hairs are in place for plucking or trimming. Apply a thin layer of Vaseline or skin protector around your brows (by using a cotton bud) to avoid dye staining your skin.

You can mix the activator and colour cream using the plastic tray. Ensure all the colour cream is mixed in with the activator until it has an even consistency.

Once that is done, use the mascara wand to carefully and evenly apply the mixture to your eyebrows. Leave for 5-10 minutes, and once you've achieved the desired colour, remove it with a damp cotton bud.

Now it's time to pluck away any stubborn hairs using tweezers and trim using scissors, then use a nourishing after-plucking serum to calm redness and irritation.

Finally, apply an eyebrow gel or clear mascara to keep your plucked eyebrows neat and groomed throughout the day.


It's important to pluck your eyebrows carefully, taking care to pluck only what needs plucking and leaving some hairs for definition. After plucking, use a cotton swab and mild toner to remove any residue, then apply a nourishing serum. Tinting is an option to add colour or shape your brows further - make sure you do a patch test first.

Finally, use tweezers and scissors for plucking and trimming, as well as eyebrow gel or clear mascara to keep your plucked eyebrows neat throughout the day.

We hope this article has helped you get better acquainted with how to shape eyebrows at home with tweezers. We wish you all the best in achieving perfectly plucked brows.