Do Eyelash Extensions Ruin Your Eyelashes?

The answer is Yes and No - False eyelashes are great for special occasions or everyday wear if you want to add a little extra VA VA voom to your look. But one burning question we get asked a lot is: Do eyelash extensions damage your lashes?

The short answer is that they can, but it depends on how well you look after them and which type of false eyelashes you choose. You should be fine if you're gentle with your lash extensions and don't wear them all the time.

However, your natural lashes will start to suffer if you're constantly yanking your falsies off, wearing them 24/7 without a break, or not cleaning them properly; all these scenarios will damage your natural lashes.

Here's a more detailed breakdown of how false eyelashes can affect your natural lashes, as well as some tips on how to avoid any damage.

Wearing false eyelash extensions all the time will damage your natural lashes

If you're constantly wearing false eyelash extensions, your natural lashes won't have a chance to rest, making them weaker and thinner over time. In extreme cases, you can even end up with bald spots where your natural lashes have fallen out entirely.

So, to avoid damaging your natural lashes, you should take a break from false eyelash extensions every now and then. This will give your lashes a chance to recover and grow back stronger than before.

Not cleaning your falsies will damage your natural lashes

Another way that false eyelash extensions can damage your natural lashes is if you don't clean them properly. If you don't remove all the glue and makeup from your falsies before bed, this can lead to lash matting, pulling on your natural lashes and damaging them.

To avoid this, here are the steps you should take to keep them spotlessly healthy. A step-by-step guide on cleaning your lash extensions:

  1. Start by gently removing makeup from your lash extensions with a cotton pad soaked in oil-free makeup remover.
  2. Next, use a mild cleanser on a cotton pad to clean the lash extensions and remove any leftover makeup or dirt.
  3. Rinse the lashes with warmish water and pat them dry with a clean towel.
  4. Finally, use a Lash Coating Sealant or Primer to protect your lash extensions and keep them healthy.

If you follow these steps regularly, you can avoid damaging your natural lashes with false eyelash extensions.

Choosing the wrong type of falsies will damage your natural lashes

The type of false eyelashes you choose can also affect how much they damage your natural lashes. For example, if you select a heavy pair of falsies made with thick materials like mink or human hair, these can weigh down your own natural lashes and cause them to break.

On the other hand, lighter-weight falsies made with synthetic materials like nylon are less likely to damage your natural lashes. So, if you're worried about lash damage, you should opt for a lighter-weight pair of falsies.

If you're worried about your eyelash extensions, you should consult the technician that fitted them. Still, if you did them yourself and need extra advice, there are many tutorials online about the best ways to fit in and look after your false eyelash extensions.

Let's look at the good and not-so-good reasons for having your lashes done in the salon…

Professional eyelash extensions vs home eyelash extensions

Salon Lash Extensions

Going to the salon for a touch-up is not always possible, so doing them at home might be the best option.

One of the benefits of having your eyelash extensions done in a salon is that the technician can assess your natural lashes and choose the best type of falsies. They will also have a broader range of styles and colours to choose from than you would at home.

Another benefit of going to a salon is that the technician can apply the lash extensions more evenly and carefully than you could at home, which means they are less likely to damage your natural lashes.

However, there are some drawbacks to having your eyelash extensions done in a salon. Firstly, it can be pretty expensive, and secondly, it can take a long time – up to two hours sometimes.

If you're thinking about doing your eyelash extensions at home, there are some things you should consider first.

  • Make sure you research and choose a good quality product suitable for your natural lashes.
  • Take your time to apply the lash extensions carefully and evenly, using tweezers if necessary.
  • Ensure you remove the lash extensions properly to avoid damaging your natural lashes.

Read more about semi-permanent lash extensions here. If you're thinking about going to a professional are some things you need to ask:

What should I ask my lash technician about false lash extensions?

What lash extensions suit my eye shape

A qualified technician with plenty of experience will be able to assess your natural lashes and choose the best type of falsies for you. They will also have a wider range of styles and colours to choose from than you would at home.

How long will the lash extensions last?

Most false eyelash extensions will last around two to four weeks, although some can last up to eight weeks. The technician can tell you an approximate timescale, but it won't be 100% accurate.

How often will I need my extensions done?

It depends on how quickly your natural lashes grow and shed. Most people need to have their eyelash extensions touched up every two to four weeks.

What is the best aftercare for my lash extensions?

Your technician should explain the aftercare to you before they start applying the lash extensions. You must follow their advice to avoid damaging your natural lashes.

Your technician will not want you to come back too early because this might mean the technician did not apply the original lashes correctly, and they may have to rectify their mistakes free of charge.

Some general aftercare tips are:

  1. Avoid getting your lash extensions damp for the first 24 hours after they have been applied.
  2. Be careful when washing your face, and avoid using oil-based cleansers or makeup removers around your eyes.
  3. Your technician may recommend a cleanser or lash shampoo. If they don't, ask them.
  4. Be gentle when brushing your lashes, and use a soft, bristled brush.
  5. Do not perm, curl, or tint your lash extensions.
  6. Do not use waterproof mascara on your lash extensions, as it can be difficult to remove and may damage the lashes.
  7. Contact your technician immediately if you experience irritation, redness, or swelling.

Read more about other questions you should ask your lash technician.

The eyelashes that you were born with are made up of natural substances like keratin; there are ways to ensure your natural lashes stay healthy that's nothing to do with false eyelashes. Here are our tips on keeping your natural lashes looking good.

Keep your natural lashes looking good

Eat well; your eyelashes are made up of the same stuff as your head, and you know if you neglect your diet, your hair gets dull and brittle, and the same goes for your natural lashes.

A healthy diet will give you strong and healthy hair, including your eyelashes. Foods rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, iron, and vitamins A and C are especially good for lash health.

Some good foods for healthy eyelashes include:

  • Eggs
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Oily fish
  • Spinach
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Carrots
  • Berries
  • Beans

Drink plenty of water, around eight glasses a day, to keep your body and eyelashes hydrated. Don't smoke; smoking is bad for your health and includes eyelashes.

Smoking dries out the skin and hair, making them more likely to break. It also decreases blood flow to the lash follicles, preventing them from getting the nutrients they need to keep healthy.

Sunlight is great in moderation, but too much sun can cause damage to your skin and hair, including your eyelashes. The sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause the protein in your lashes to break down, making them dry, brittle, and more likely to fall out.

If you are in the sun at any time, wear sunglasses or a hat with a large brim to protect your eyelashes from UV damage. Your skin and the hair on your head will thank you too.

Finally, and just to re-cap - if you wear makeup, remove it before bed. Leaving makeup on overnight can cause irritation and inflammation of the lash follicles, leading to loss.

We’ve said it before, and we will repeat ourselves again (because it's important) - use a gentle eye makeup remover or cleanser, and avoid rubbing your eyes.

When removing eye makeup, be especially careful around the delicate area of the lash line. Use a clean re-useable pad soaked in eye makeup remover. Hold it against your eye for a short while before gently sweeping it away.

Do you have any other tips for keeping natural lashes looking good? Why not let us know your thoughts in the comments box on Insta or FB?